Sunday 1 September 2013

Fundamental or Technical Analysis

The myth continues; or should I say the sales men keep having the same verbal diarrhea

Here are my thoughts to add to the discussion

My opinion is that people are hung up, looking for the Holy Grail. I would hate to be the first to break the news but there is no grail. There is only hard work, dedication, and commitment. 

I really cannot fathom why people waste their precious time arguing about a senseless point. Both have their merits and both have their drawbacks.

An investor and trader needs to trade to make money. You need to be in a position to stack the profitable odds in your favor. If you do not or cannot create a system that provide you with a high probability of making money, based, not on opinions, but on real historical data, then you will have no chance and will lose money. It is that simple.

That is why property investing done properly is a no brainer, and in my opinion, you would need to be a real village idiot not to make money from property, but more on this in another blog…

So what do I use, well in plain English I use whatever provides me with the highest probability of making money and making the most amount of money.

This could be a combination of both or using Gann trading methods or using Warren Buffet valuation formulas or a full combination of all analysis. Who cares, as long as I can prove that the system and trading method provides me with the edge required to make money from investing in the stock market.
I do find it funny that people classify themselves as fundamental traders, or die-hard technical traders or Gann followers etc. When at the end of the day WHO cares…. Isn’t investing a commercial opportunity and one to take seriously and financially benefit from? Or am I missing something…. I view trading as an opportunity to make money, I am not here for social reasons, or to prove that xyz system is the best in the world. All I am here to prove is the increase in my bank balance. 

As a Trader that is all you should care about. Do not get hung up on what people’s opinions are and what method they trade. As long as it is a proven profitable systems and it suits your style, then all the best. I was asked the other day, if I was a technical or fundamental trader. My answer was I am a “making money trader.” Kind of through the person asking the question off, as surely, you are one or the other he went on and said. I noted I really do not care, as long as it fits my random statistical probability model and I can prove to myself that it has made money based on historical data, and provides me with a high probability of making money I will trade that system. It really is that easy. 

My question is, why would you want to be a die-hard technical or fundamental trader if you cannot make money? As Dr Phil would say: quote: “How’s that working for you”

So in short, focus on creating a system and strategy that you can prove to yourself that it will make money. Once that is proved to yourself, stick to it, stick to your plan and trade it effectively. Don't get side tracked by the nay-Sayers or other "high return" sales men. Find your system, and stick to it.

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